Alex Grey is the author of Sacred Mirrors, Transfigurations, The Mission of Art, and Art Psalms. His work has graced numerous album covers including those of Nirvana, TOOL, and the Beastie Boys; appeared in Newsweek and TIME Magazine; and been exhibited throughout the world. In 2004, Alex and his wife, artist Allyson Grey, opened the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM) in New York City, a gallery and sacred space for Alex’s original paintings and other visionary artworks. In 2009, CoSM, now a church, moved from Manhattan to the Hudson Valley. Alex Grey and Allyson Grey live in Brooklyn and Wappinger, New York.
My big project right now is building Entheon, where the portrait paintings will be displayed. At CoSM, Entheon is the Sanctuary of Visionary Art now under construction. “Entheon” refers to “a place to discover the God within.” The first exhibition at Entheon will be the art of Alex Grey including all twenty-one Sacred Mirrors. When the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors is built, [target date 2020] the Sacred Mirrors and other works will be installed there and Entheon will feature visionary creativity by many artists from around the world. Entheon will be a three story public structure complete with an elevator, bathrooms, parking, a paved road with lighting… New technologies in 3D modeling and printing will be utilized to create the sculptural elements of this architectural design. Entheon will be an enduring legacy manifested through the contributions of visionaries from all over the globe, a sacred site supported by worldspirit. We ask for support and assistance of all kinds from the community. If visionary art has made a difference in your life, we urge you to support CoSM by joining us for events, purchasing CoSM products, becoming a member, volunteering and by making a donation to perpetuate CoSM.