Francesca Mason Boring, bi-cultural author, international facilitator and trainer, is an enrolled member of the Shoshone Nation and a graduate of Washington State University. Francesca facilitates Francesca Mason Boring, bi-cultural author, international facilitator and trainer, is an enrolled member of the Shoshone Nation and a graduate of Washington State University. Francesca facilitates Family Constellation, Constellation as Ceremony and Human Systems Constellation.
Francesca has attended workshops/trainings of numerous Masters of the Family & Human Systems Constellation Method, including: Bert Hellinger, Hunter Beaumont, Gunthard Weber, Sneh Victoria Schnabel, and others, both in the United States and Germany. Honoring the foundation of the developers of Family Constellation, Francesca is also nurtured by the mentoring of Native Wisdom Traditions, her own elders and the indigenous knowing field.
Author of Feather Medicine, Walking in Shoshone Dreamtime: A Family System Constellation, (Llumina Press, 2004), Coyote Dance, (Llumina Press, 2005) and Botschaften aus dem indigenen Feld- Rituelle Elemente und Zeremonien in systemaufstellungen(Carl-Auer, 2009). This book is available in Dutch. An expanded version is available in English: Connecting to our Ancestral Past: Healing through Constellation, Ceremony and Ritual A Native America Perspective , published by North Atlantic Books and distributed by Random House.
Francesca has been published in The Knowing Field (originally titled the Systemic Solutions Bulletin), London, England, and was a contributing author forUnten Rum, (Innenwelt verlag, 2005) by Claudia Haarman of Germany.
Francesca introduced Constellation Work at the 18th Association for the Study of Dreams Conference at U.C. Santa Cruz in July 2001 and presented at the Systems Constellation Intensive at Zist, in Germany in May 2002. Francesca co-presented Systems Constellation Work at the Native American Conference on Wellness and Spirituality in Phoenix, Arizona in October 2002, at the International Congress on Systems Constellation in 2003, and the International Kongress in Cologne, Germany and the Portland Conference in October 2005. Fran has been on faculty for the Intensive on Systemic Resolutions in Southern Germany Since 2007. She will be on faculty for the 11th Intensive Training in May 2012 and opened the mornings and provided a community constellation at the 3rd US Conference on Systemic Constellation in San Francisco in October 2011. Francesca has facilitated Family Systems Constellation in Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Singapore, Australia, Italy, Holland, South Africa & throughout the Western U.S.
Francesca facilitates Family & Human Systems Constellation as transformational work. Although Family Constellation may be therapeutic, this indigenous woman does not present it as therapy. Francesca serves to escort persons who are interested in systemic healing for their immediate family, family of origin, community, or organization. She describes this method as ” one of the most profoundly beautiful healing paths that can be taken. This work, for me, is an extension of ceremony- a road of indigenous healing.”