About: Jef spent six years in the United States Navy and was inducted into a watcher group that infiltrated many of the Jesuit Illuminati controlled military organizations. He was assigned to EC Division, an electronics unit and worked in the Intelligence Center on board the now decommissioned aircraft carrier CV-67.
Today Jef is board certified in nutrition and specializes in homotoxicology for creating detoxification protocols utilizing homeopathics, oxygen species combined with hydrogen, and system specific plant-based endocrine adaptogens delivered by traditional means as well as holographic methods. Jef provides the scalar systems used for coding holograms to various practitioners and companies entering the field of holographics.
Current Research focuses on information field modulation of matter, clinical research involving patterned frequency engram modulation of the Central Nervous System pain neuromatrix, activating dormant areas of the brain mind matrix, astral manipulation and consciousness projection in both animate and inanimate partners.
He utilizes various leading edge technologies including, but not limited to radionic/torsion/bio field generators, Shiva and Shakti Neural Stimulation Systems and complex signal wave generation.
As a military trained remote viewer and radionics technologist he assists the brain in directing energy patterns for various remote field manipulation strategies including biological effects.