Shawn Gallaway is a visual artist, singer songwriter, author, ceremonial healer, workshop facilitator, energy worker and Certified Lifeline Practitioner. He has traveled through out the world sharing his healing message and has recently shared the stage with the Dalai Lama, authors Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Robert Holden, Darren Weissman, T. Harv Ecker, and with rock and pop masters Orleans, Jimi Jamison, Dave Jenkins, Allan Parsons and Robbie Dupree.

He is also a screenwriter who is currently producing the film, The Choice, which chronicles the healing journey of eight brave men and women who together choose Love and walk the path of the heart, transforming their fears into love in service to humanity and the earth.

Shawn Gallaway is an accomplished singer songwriter with three CD’s and one DVD to his credit to date. He is also an author and a gifted visual artist whose work has been shown through out the United States and abroad. As a workshop facilitator and a ceremonial healer Shawn has assisted and blessed many over the years with his keen insight and his ability to bring a sense of humor to the healing process. His current passion is combining all his gifts into a multimedia theater production and film called The Choice. The Choice can best be described as a healing experience that can enlighten and inspire the masses into loving action in the world through the use of the arts.

Shawn’s I Choose Love CD and Book follows the soul’s healing journey through pain, confusion and struggle to emerge into the freedom of self-awareness, purpose, compassion, joy, and connection. It includes songs, stories, and a series of original paintings that chronicle Shawn’s own journey back to peace.

Shawn’s I Choose Love DVD is the heart stirring I Choose Love music video with both images and Mary Beth Shannon signing the song. It also includes interviews and a section of Shawn and Mary Beth teaching children how to sign.

Video’s Art Gallery I Choose Love-Shop!