There are many self imposed restrictions scientists have placed on themselves, and thus causing science not to progress forward as quickly as it should have.
Doing my own work and absorbing anything I felt was relative to TRUTH in regards to Energy is how I advanced to a level that has been o
verwhelming in rewarding and truthful knowledge.
I’ve studied through the years a few great researchers of energy from history such as Nikola Tesla , Edward Leedskalnin , Albert Cushing Crehore among others.
I only absorbed and focused my attention on what I felt were TRUTHS within all my reading, and original experimenting of my own design. Then one night doing some physical scientific experiments, I saw something in my magnetic work similar to the ancient Flower of Life design.
This instantly made me realize that all of Sacred Geometry was really the SEGMENTED BLUEPRINTS to MAGNETIC ENERGIES .. This conclusion also tied together some work of Ed Leedskalnin, an immigrant from Latvia and the builder of the Coral Castle or also known as Rock Gate. An amazing muti-ton hand carved coral stone complex located in Homestead Florida.
Ed Leedskalnin had left a subtle visual design on the cover of one of his small self published booklets entitled “MAGNETIC CURRENT”. This was a design showing two flexible curves seen in many ancient designs and architectures.
So on my own, I took those two curves and proved my conclusions of Sacred Geometry being the Blueprints of Magnetic energies. I proved it visually , mathematically, and most importantly in real working PHYSICAL SCIENTIFIC DEMONSTRATIONS.