To question conventional science, this issue invites you into the notion of an electric universe. Join the “Thunderbolt Project” and others and get a glimpse into this electrifying bodies. Meet the scientists who dare to defy and testify to the truth of what they see.
Insights from the Electric Universe Conference – The Third Human Story
Mel Achesmon
- World-view in Succession
Thunderbolt info
- What is Plasma
- Weather: Fair, Foul or Electric?
Wal Thornhill
- Stars in the Electric Universe
Don Scott
- The Electric Sky
- Electric Model of the Sun
James Ryder
- IBEX’s Surprising Results
Gerald Pollack
- The Geometry of Life
David Talbot
- The Electric Universe – Seeking the Third Story
Robert M. Schoch
- Plasma Earth & the Last Ice Age
James. L Oschman
- Understanding Earthing (Grounding)
Steve Smith
- 3D Mars
John Stuart Reid
- The Special Relationship Between Sound & Light
Dr. Kontantin Korotkov
- What is Energy
- What is Biological Energy
- Electrophotosphernes & Energography
- The Kirlian’s
Dr. Joe Dispenza
- The Wave of the Future
- Karen Elkins
- Excerpts for InsideOUT – Ancient Wisdom to Modern Science
Clayton Mabey
- What is an Amigram?
Karl Herrmann –
- Vancouver, BC Images
Dan Wills
Fractal Art — James L. Oschman & Awakening the Heart
Banyen Books & Sound, Vancouver BC
Resources are from the Book “InsideOUT, by Karen Elkins – Links, YOU-Tube and books