Karl Herrmann is widely recognized for his imagery, both in motion picture cinematography and still photography. He has created memorable images from the Himalayas of Nepal to the Andes of Argentina and from the plains of Africa to the jungles of the Amazon.

He has lent his wide ranging visual skills to such Hollywood blockbuster movies as “E.T.”, “The Right Stuff” and “I, ROBOT”, to mention but a few. In television, he was the creative visual inspiration to such hit shows as “Touched by an Angel” and “Dawson’s Creek”. Karl’s silver gelatin black & white landscape photography is represented in museums, galleries and private collections throughout North America.

But it is here and now that we see the genesis of a new vision Karl is developing. He has combined his world-class skills as a cinematographer with his love of the natural world to create movie-like windows into his visionary world. And, like the silver screen format he is so used to, these landscape images can be made quite large. Karl uses a digital process to produce this color work, yet he strictly adhere to the original vision provided by nature. No digital ‘tricks’ are utilized in any of these images.

Karl makes his home in Vancouver, Canada.

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Jeffrey Armstrong –

Jeffrey Armstrong is an award-winning author of numerous books on Vedic knowledge including his recent book: Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar, Ancient Wisdom for a New World, published by Atria/Simon & Schuster. He has been a philosopher, practitioner and teacher of the Vedas for over 40 years. He has degrees in Psychology, History & Comparative Religion, and Literature, had a successful career as an executive in Silicon Valley, and was a motivational speaker to Fortune 500 companies for 10 years before turning to teaching full time. Jeffrey Armstrong (Kavindra Rishi) is the founder of VASA – Vedic Academy of Sciences & Arts in Vancouver Canada. VASA is an on-line learning institution that makes available the a large curriculum of the ancient wisdom of India presented in easy to understand English.

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ohn Boswell -

Hey – I’m John D Boswell, the musician and producer behind the Symphony of Science. The goal of the project is to bring scientific knowledge and philosophy to the public, in a novel way, through the medium of music. Science and music are two passions of mine that I aim to combine, in a way that is intended to bring a meaningful message to listeners, while simultaneously providing an enjoyable musical experience.

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Harlan Brothers –

As an inventor, Harlan’s successful designs run the technological gamut from the encryption-based Event Verification System (bought by a predominant IP portfolio firm) to the Bathtub Buddy water alarm (licensed to Salton, Inc.). As a mathematician and researcher, he has published numerous journal articles related to number theory and the fractal geometry of music. As a musician, he performs, records, and composes in a wide range of genres. His experience as a Director of Technology, technical and design consultant, researcher, educator, and creative artist gives him a unique and vigorous cross-disciplinary background as a problem solver and creative thinker.

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Cherly Harnish –

It takes courage to follow your heart, find your purpose in life and fulfill your destiny. Sometimes, discovering your gifts is only half the battle. The other half is over-coming the limiting self-beliefs and fears that hold you back. It’s time to remember that you are not but one small person. You are a creative Spirit made in the likeness of God. It is time to claim your greatness and your power. It is time to cultivate your Seed of Love in this world.

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David Hickey –
Based in Mount Hope, Ontario, I perform with Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls, 15-20 of them. Each produces a pure note or tone, the purest there is. You have to hear them to believe it. I play them in combination with a Vibraphone, Santoor and 8-18 Paiste Planet, Symphonic and Sound Creation Gongs. Every gong features a strong fundamental note tuned to represent a natural harmonic series based on the orbital properties of the Sun, the Earth, the Moon and the other planets. It’s like having a full orchestra.

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